Depends on the languages you can work with and what level of control 
you need

Jasperreports - is an appropriate solution in the Java world
BIRT - - also provides reporting 
tools in the Java world
PHP offers bindings for PDFlib (not really cheap)
FPDF - and TCPDF - are free PHP libraries for 
producing PDFs


On 9/30/2010 12:19 PM, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:54 AM, list user<>  
> wrote:
>> Hi All;
>> I'm looking for a way to generate a PDF report based on a set of data in a
>> database and a set of pre-generated graphs via some sort of procedural
>> method based on a template.
>> We tried to do this via open office&  it's templating features but this
>> process requires us to first generate an odt file based on xml and then open
>> the open office odt file and export to a PDF, unfortunately our first stab
>> generated a 150GB odt file. This is of course an unacceptable method. So,
>> I'm looking for a way to generate PDF's straight away as described above.
>> Anyone have any ideas?
> This was a thread in our local LUG:
> I use a similar process to generate a text file that gets passed
> through a script to generate a PDF report..

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