Wait...my mistake.  I was looking in the wrong log.  In the error log, I 
AM seeing errors with one or more of the ACLs (ACIs?) I reated to try to 
get shadowLastChange attribute to be updated by various client apps 
(including ldappasswd):

[28/Sep/2010:11:18:16 -0400] NSACLPlugin - ACL Invalid Target Error(-8): 
Target is beyond the scope of the ACL(SCOPE:dc=our, dc=domain) (targetattr 
= \"shadowMin || shadowMax || shadowWarning || shadowLastChange || 
shadowExpire\") (target = \"ldap:///shdwLstChnge write fix\") (version 
3.0;acl \"Fix ShadowLastChange Perms\";allow (all)(userdn = 
\"ldap:///anyone\";) and (dns=\"our.host.name\");)

I hope this means I am getting closer...does this means I was just putting 
the ACI in the wrong place?  Our tree structure is like this:

   netscaperoot (4acis)
      TopologyManagement (3acis)
      Our.Domain (1 aci)     <--where I tried to create this ACI
   ourcomany (6 acis)
      People (6 acis)
      Special users


   config  (3acis)

On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Morris, Patrick wrote:

> So... The attribute is there, it's writeable, and it's not being updated when 
> a user changes their password?  That really doen't leave much other than PAM 
> configuration.
> Have you looked at the server access logs to see if an attempt is being made 
> to change it, and if so, what the result is of that attempt?
> It seems likely to me that the reason it's not updating is either PAM's not 
> authenticating as who you think it is, or it's just not trying.
> (forgive the top post. Bottom posting is hard when your phone doesn't always 
> download the whole thing)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Smallacombe <u...@3.am>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:55 AM
> To: 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org <389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Subject: Re: [389-users] shadowLast Change NOT updating was Re: ldappasswd 
> and shadowLastChange attribute
> Forgive my noobness to ldap, but I am not binding to the server as any
> uid, but as cn=Directory Administrator.  I tried an ACI using that, but
> still nothing.
> I am not sure we're even on the right track, if I understand what this is
> supposed to do correctly.
> If I use ldapmodify and bind to the server as the DN above, I can change
> the shadowLastChanged attribute value just fine.  If I use ldappasswd and
> bind to the server as the same DN to change a user's password, it changes
> the password ok, but the shadowLastChanged attribute value never gets
> updated (the password is still expired).
> If all I had to do was fix this via shell, I could make a script to do
> both (I already did, in fact), but there are other php apps such as that
> squirrelmail plugin that need the attribute updated when the password has
> been changed.
> I'd really appreciate any pointers on this.  Thanks!
> On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Jason Brown wrote:
>> (targetattr="userPassword||shadowLastChange||shadowMin||shadowMax||shadowWarning||shadowInactive||shadowExpire||shadowFlag")(version
>> 3.0; acl "Allow client-root write on userPassword"; allow(write)
>> userdn="ldap:///uid=client-root,ou=profile,dc=domain,dc=com";;)
>> This would be set under the Directory tab where your actual domain is listed,
>> should be under the netscaperoot.
>> On Sep 28, 2010, at 11:43 AM, James Smallacombe wrote:
>>> Looks like there's already a "Directory Administrators" ACI under (Company)
>>> that has all the attributes checked.  I assume we do NOT have to do this
>>> under the "netscape root" tree, right?
>>> What's more, Webmin does correctly update the shadowLastChange attribute
>>> when you change a user's password there.  It just doesn't work when using
>>> "ldappasswd" or a squirrelmail plugin for users to change their password,
>>> all of which bind as Directory Manager.
>>> Is there something more that needs be done in /etc/ldap.conf or pam.d/ ? We
>>> use ldap via authconfig (pam.d/systme-auth).
>>> On Tue, 28 Sep 2010, Jason Brown wrote:
>>>> The ACI where it is set is in the top of the tree, not in People.
>>>> This will also prevent Domain Managers the ability to write to this as
>>>> well.
>>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 6:52 PM, James Smallacombe wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your reply, Jason.  I am a bit of a noob here, but I went
>>>>> to
>>>>> the DirServ console and:
>>>>> (Example) -> People did a right-click on it, then -> Set Access
>>>>> Permissions and saw the 6 default ACIs.  I edited "Allow self entry
>>>>> modifications" and checked "shadowLastChange".  Since this was only
>>>>> for
>>>>> "Self" and these mods are done either by root in the shell, or the
>>>>> apache
>>>>> user in the web plugin, I didn't really expect it to help.  So, I
>>>>> create a
>>>>> custom ACI:
>>>>> Selected ALL users, then unchecked all targets, then re-checked
>>>>> "shadowLastChange" and a few others.
>>>>> Still no luck.  Although I'm not up on ACIs, in all cases I am
>>>>> binding to
>>>>> the server as the Directory Manager, so doesn't that mean the ACI
>>>>> shouldn't matter?
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Jason Brown wrote:
>>>>>> I am not sure if there is a huge difference between RHDS and 389, but
>>>>>> I also had this same issue.  I believe it had to do with the ACI's
>>>>>> preventing the update to that attribute.  Once you allow write access
>>>>>> to shadowLastChange it was able to update it.
>>>>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:02 PM, James Smallacombe wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry for replying to myself, but I wanted to add more that I've
>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>>> since my last post:
>>>>>>> from the DirSrv X Console: in Configuration -> Indexes I added the
>>>>>>> "shadowLastChange" attribute to userRoot, then NetscapeRoot, still
>>>>>>> with no
>>>>>>> luck.  I then put the following in my /etc/ldap.conf
>>>>>>> nss_map_objectclass shadowAccount User
>>>>>>> pam_password exop
>>>>>>> Still no luck.  To clarify, the shadowLastChange DOES get propery
>>>>>>> updated
>>>>>>> when you reset a user's password in Webmin's "Users and Groups"
>>>>>>> module,
>>>>>>> but NOT when you use /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldappasswd OR in the
>>>>>>> Squirrelmail
>>>>>>> "Change LDAP Password" plugin.  Again, any of these will change the
>>>>>>> password no problem, but not that attribute....any pointers would be
>>>>>>> appreciated.  Here is a sample user:
>>>>>>> version: 1
>>>>>>> dn: uid=test123,ou=People, dc=some, dc=domain
>>>>>>> objectClass: posixAccount
>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>> objectClass: person
>>>>>>> objectClass: organizationalPerson
>>>>>>> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>>>>>>> objectClass: shadowAccount
>>>>>>> uid: test123
>>>>>>> cn:test123
>>>>>>> uidNumber: 999
>>>>>>> gidNumber: 999
>>>>>>> homeDirectory: /home/test123
>>>>>>> loginShell: /bin/false
>>>>>>> sn: test123
>>>>>>> mail: test...@some.domain
>>>>>>> shadowLastChange: 13678
>>>>>>> shadowMin: 1
>>>>>>> shadowMax: 99999
>>>>>>> shadowWarning: 14
>>>>>>> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, James Smallacombe wrote:
>>>>>>>> I finally figured out a working shell script to make LDAP user
>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>> changes using mozldap/ldappasswd.  Unfortunately, I just discovered
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> changing the password using this does not update the
>>>>>>>> "shadowLastChange"
>>>>>>>> attribute, so users with expired passwords are still not able to
>>>>>>>> log in,
>>>>>>>> even after an admin has reset their password in this manner.
>>>>>>>> Since we are migrating from traditional shadow passwords to LDAP,
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> attribute we need to get updated by this is "shadowLastChange"
>>>>>>>> I attempted to work around this in /etc/ldap.conf by adding this:
>>>>>>>> nss_map_attribute shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
>>>>>>>> But to no avail.  In addition, the "change ldap password" plugin
>>>>>>>> also does
>>>>>>>> not update this, although webmin users and groups module does.
>>>>>>>> What am I missing?  Thanks in Advance!
>>>>>>>> James Smallacombe                     PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and
>>>>>>>> Janitor
>>>>>>>> u...@3.am
>>>>>>>> http://3.am
>>>>>>>> =
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>>>>>>> James Smallacombe                      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
>>>>>>> u...@3.am
>>>>>>> http://3.am
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>>>>> James Smallacombe                PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
>>>>> u...@3.am
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>>>> 389 users mailing list
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>>> James Smallacombe                  PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
>>> u...@3.am
>>> http://3.am
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> James Smallacombe                     PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
> u...@3.am                                                     http://3.am
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James Smallacombe                     PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
u...@3.am                                                           http://3.am
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