On 09/21/2010 04:34 PM, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>   On 09/19/2010 10:53 PM, JD wrote:
>> On 09/19/2010 10:49 PM, JB wrote:
>>> Daniel B. Thurman<dant<at>   cdkkt.com>   writes:
>>>> ...
>>>> Sep 18 10:34:15<host>   kernel: DeQueueRunning[0]= TRUE!
>>>> I get these messages quite often and would like to
>>>> know why the kernel is spitting out these messages.
>>> Hi,
>>> # yum info rt2870
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1056424&page=3
>>> browser Edit-Find     Find: DeQueueRunning
>>> The rt2870.h file has a printk statement, that is a print kernel message.
>>>>  From the context you can see it is a diagnostic message, probably a help 
>>>> for
>>> a programmer to trace the program logic execution, but annoying to the user.
>>> ...
>>> /* ----------------- TX Related MACRO ----------------- */
>>> #define RT28XX_START_DEQUEUE(pAd, QueIdx, irqFlags) 
>>> ...
>>>             printk("DeQueueRunning[%d]= TRUE!\n", QueIdx);          \
>>> ...
>>> If you downloaded the driver source code, you could remove it, compile the 
>>> driver
>>> yourself without impacting program execution.
>>> So, no problem.
>>> JB
>> Dan, which kernel version, and is this the rpmfusion driver or the
>> redhat/fedora driver?
> I am using standard: Fedora + RpmFusion
> Apologies about not using your built-in Wifi RT28XX
> kernel since I am trying to stick to what Fedora provides,
> in that way, I can check things out and send nice missives
> when things breaks ;)
> I hope someday soon, Fedora will start folding in
> kernel Wifi drivers, such as you did, but I wonder
> when/if it will happen, but I am in no hurry. :P
It will not happen until Fedora ramps up to kernel 2.6.35.x
And even then, you are not out of the woods, because
even in kernel 2.6.36, the patch that lets the user to
set the Tx power level is not applied. A kernel dev made
the patch available for download in kernel bug number 17501.
See https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17501
So, when Fedora finaly releases kernel 2.6.35, you should
download the source of the kernel + download the patch from the bug link
above, (patch link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=28581)
and apply the patch and build the kernel.
One way of adding the patch is to place it in
the SOURCES directory (~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/)
and then edit kernel.spec and look for the lines
where the patches are listed and where the patches
are applied.

See the spec file itself for examples.

and then
rpm -Uvh the-newly-built-kernel-path-name.rpm

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