Gerrard Geldenhuis wrote:
> Hi
> I have been doing some testing to see how a database(netscapedb) will 
> catch up with replicated changes when the server has been shutdown 
> and/or broken.
> My test is very basic:
> Shutdown master2
> Add an entry to netscapedb on master1
> Bring up master2
> Tail error log for replication messages and check console on master2 
> for presence of data.
> I know this is imprecise but my observation has been so far that if 
> master2 was down for a short period of time it will automatically 
> catch up but if it were down for a longer period of time (more than an 
> hour) and I bring it up, new updates are not automatically send. I 
> have to click on send updates in the 389-console for the latest 
> changes to be reflected.
How long do you wait?  Replication should wait at most 5 minutes.
> Is there more definitive rules that govern when a database will be 
> updated automatically and when the process becomes manual?
Replication uses an exponential backoff strategy if the consumer is 
down.  That is, it will wait 1 second, try again, then wait 2 seconds, 
try again, then wait 4 seconds, try again, etc. until it hits 5 minutes.
> Best Regards
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