On 9/19/10 5:57 PM, JD wrote:
> On 09/19/2010 05:44 PM, Temlakos wrote:
>> Well, hey--Wine is something we can all benefit from. Haven't you ever
>> run across a piece of Windows freeware that you'd like to run? I think
>> it's fine to support alternatives to Windows-specific shrinkwrapped
>> programs (OpenOffice v. MS Office; LAMP/LAPgP v. MS Web Server; GnuCash
>> v. Quicken; etc.). But every now and again you run into some routines
>> that are written for Windows--coupon printers, that sort of thing. Now
>> what are you going to do? Refuse to have anything to do with them?
>> That's called "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face."
>> Wine allows us Windows functionality without having to pay for a Windows
>> license. It's worth having for all the instances in which you don't have
>> access to the source code.
>> Temlakos
> Take it easy guys!
> I am sure others find it exceedingly useful, if not outright necessary
> and essential.
> But not for me. As I said, I was curious about it and wanted to test
> drive a few
> primary windows apps. That's all.
Again, thank you for at least looking at Wine.  Like the beverage, it 
will get better with time.

Also, it would be nice to advise the Wine folks of what is 'broken' so 
it can get fixed.  However, that is up to you to do.  No report == no 
fix (unless the problem is stumbled upon by someone else.)

James McKenzie

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