No reply means "no", I'm guessing?

I don't think it's it a stupid question.  Is it?  My windows 7 instance
handles them both just fine.  The ATI is onboard video, while the nVidia is
in the PCIe slot.

I've searched exhaustively, and can't seem to find what I need.  I know that
for a long time it was just not the thing to do, but I've been away from my
Linux for a while (just too busy).  Had some time lately, so I thought I'd
check out F13.  Can anyone point me to the right place, or is it still not
an option?

-- Ron

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Ron Siven <> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> Is it possible to use nVidia and ATI together with full acceleration yet
> with Fedora?
> -- Ron
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