On 09/10/2010 12:37 AM, Alex wrote:
>>> - How can I make the mouse scroll wheel be used for scrolling back
>>> through the terminal buffer, rather than acting as an up arrow?
>> That's what it does in the default configuration.
> Is there some kind of configuration file that I can reset, because it
> now appears that it has changed from the default.

None that I'm aware of.  Perhaps your mouse is configured oddly.  Run 
"xev" (install xorg-x11-utils if you need to).  Place the mouse over its 
window and scroll up and down.  You should see button events for button 
4 and button 5, like this:

ButtonPress event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x5c00001,
     root 0xf8, subw 0x0, time 195653491, (139,139), root:(144,210),
     state 0x0, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x5c00001,
     root 0xf8, subw 0x0, time 195653492, (139,139), root:(144,210),
     state 0x800, button 4, same_screen YES

>>> - How can I configure the terminal so copy is performed by simply
>>> highlighting the text with the mouse, and paste is done through
>>> shift-insert?
>> That's what it does in the default configuration.
> I don't think I changed anything intentionally, but that isn't how it
> currently works for me. How can I configure it now to do that?

Again, I don't see any options that control this behavior.  xev might 
shed some light on what's going on on your system.
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