Alex wrote:
> Hi,
>> I do not know of an automatic way to print them to one file,
>> let alone print them without the full headers.
>> How about printing each one to a separate file, and then
>> catenate the files into a single file, which you can then
>> convert to pdf.
> Yes, I realize I can do that, but there's at least 50 of them that
> have to be printed. It's part of a presentation, so I can't really
> "bounce" them back, either.
> I remember doing it many years ago, but can't remember how. It was
> right around Linux v1.0, actually. I believe the program was called
> "pretty print" or something. Oh well, better get started.
If they were in individual files you could use mpage, if that helps.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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