Thanks a lot. You are very right about this problem! Now, Fedora can display
Chinese file names properly although the font doesn't look pretty. :-D

One more question, when I used Putty to SSH the server, all files named in
Chinese couldn't display properly. Is that because of the Putty doesn't
support Chinese? If it is the case, which SSH tools do you suggest?

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Sam Varshavchik <>wrote:

> Quan Qiu writes:
>  « HTML content follows »
>> Thanks for reply.
>> 1.  Where did the imported files come from?
>> Those files were copied from Windows XP through ssh.
>> 2.  Are you certain that the file names are in UTF8 and not, for
>> example, GB2312?
>> Most of files are .doc or .xls. Do you know how to convert them to GB2312
>> ?
> It's not the contents of your files being in UTF8, GB2312, or another
> character set.
> It's the filenames themselves being coded in the UTF8 or GB2312 character
> set.
> You say you've set your system locale to zh_CN.UTF8. This indicates that
> your filenames must be coded in UTF8 to be shown correctly on your terminal.
> Try this, in the directory with your files:
> ls -l | iconv -f GB2312 -t UTF8
> If you now see your files named in proper Chinese characters, this means
> that your filenames are coded in GB2312. You simply need to rename these
> files from GB2312 to UTF8. Probably something like this:
> ls | while read filename
> do
> mv -i "$filename" "`echo \"$filename\" | iconv -f GB2312 -t UTF8`"
> done
> --
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