On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Alex <mysqlstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - How can I change the highlighting of text using the mouse in a
> Terminal to automatically copy without having to right-click then
> Copy, and paste automatically by clicking the right-mouse button,
> similar to how putty works?

This is automatic - just highlight and click *middle* mouse button (or
left and right together).
It frustrates me when I have to use Putty 'cause it's all wrong! :-)

Keep in mind that if you re-highlight something, it will overwrite
what you had highlighted previously. If you use Firefox, add the
"Xclear" extension which is super helpful in this regard.

> - How can I attach a file to an email in Thunderbird that is on a
> samba share? I've mounted the share in the file browser, then dragged
> it over to the email, but Thunderbird responds with a permission
> denied type of error, like the file either isn't accessible in
> Thunderbird, or is only shared from within the File Browser. I've also
> tried going through Thunderbird, but there doesn't appear to be a way
> to connect to a network share, only the local disk.

The file browser (Nautilus presumably) is using some fancy virtual
mounting (GVFS) to make your shares available. Thunderbird probably
doesn't use this, but GNOME's email client, Evolution, will probably
work the way you want it to.

For something to work in Thunderbird you'll probably need to mount the
remote share the old fashioned way. It'll be something like the
following (from memory, so might be wrong):

su -
mkdir /mnt/samba
mount -t cifs -o username=blah,password=blah
//[server-ip]/[share-name] /mnt/samba

Obviously, replace "blah" with the username and password for
authenticating to the remove server, and replace [server-ip] with the
real IP/resolvable name, like "samba-server" and [share-name] with the
real name of the share (possibly case sensitive), like "data".

If that works, you should be able to access the contents of the share
from the mountpoint you created, /mnt/samba. Therefore, point
Thunderbird to that directory and add your file.

If you want it permanently you'll add it to /etc/fstab (Google details).

> - How can I create the ability for a normal user from within GNOME to
> either be prompted once for the root password for administrative
> tasks, or be able to start X11 as a normal user, yet have the ability
> to perform root administrative functions like mount devices or create
> new printer shares?

Do you mean, let the user mount devices, create shares, etc without
needing root's password? If so, I think this is controlled by
PolicyKit these days. I don't think there is a nice GUI front end for
configuring all that, but you could create your own file to override
the existing settings. Maybe putting something like this in
would work:

[Let me do stuff]

That will prompt the specified user or member of the specified group
to provide *their* password for authentication, else you need root's
password. Or, if you don't want them to authenticate at all and have
it just work, then replace "auth_self" with "yes".

If you want it for other tasks, you need to get the key file name (you
can usually see these under "details" when you're prompted for root's
password for authentication. When you have them, just add them to the
"Action" entry separated a comma.

See this:

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