Tim wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-08-22 at 10:48 +0530, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
>> Yes, it was failed but the pen drive (in which some videos were there,
>> unfortunately which had o back-up!) was formated successfully. And I
>> returned it to my friend. Next day, he says, he was not able to work
>> with that, which amazed me and still he looks for a solution! But the
>> main thing is that it was successfully formatted at least once!
> Partitioning:  Preparing the drive for the partitions it will have, even
> if there will only be one part.
> Formatting:  Putting some file system in place on the partition.
> It's two steps, even if you have one application that can do both for
> you.  If you remove the partitioning info, then formatting it isn't
> possible.
Unfortunately it is possible, /dev/sdb works fine with mke2fs but automount 
tools don't work, they want /dev/sdb1. I find no good reason to avoid the 
partition table, but it isn't really needed if you do things manually.

> Windows users may be used to right-clicking and formatting a flash
> drive, as a quick way of erasing contents.  But it's dependent on the
> partitioning info being there.  If it's missing, it'll need to be
> repartitioned, that's something the usual Windows users aren't used to
> doing, and mayn't know anything about.  I don't think Windows will offer
> to repartition the drive for them, as hand-holding help.
Sure, fdisk in Windows works, and always did (I stopped using Win for anything 
but test about 1.2.13 days, but run an XP VM). You have to run it, possibly 
CLI, but it's there and was back to at least MSDOS pre-Windows days.

I agree Windows users aren't used thinking, for the most part.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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