Chris Smart wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Bill Davidsen <> wrote:
>> It's getting so keeping systems up to date with current patches is
>> incompatible with reasonable uptime goals. More and more upgrades
>> require a reboot, and even reading the CVE data behind the update it's
>> not always possible to tell if a fix is urgent. I'd like to encourage a
>> bit more detail in the info with the upgrade, and a little more thought
>> about what can be done to reduce reboots.
> It looks like Ksplice integration is already complete for Fedora 14:
> "Keep Fedora's kernel up-to-date without rebooting. This uses the
> Ksplice Uptrack service to update the running kernel in memory,
> boosting security, availability and convenience by making it possible
> to stay on top of important kernel updates without the disruption of a
> reboot... The service is already operational in a preview for Fedora
> 13, and will begin supplying Fedora 14's kernel updates as soon as the
> kernel stabilizes."
That's good news, although IIRC I used to kexec to address that problem. The 
issue is the changes to udev, NetworkManager, libraries, etc, etc, seem to be 
flagged as needing a reboot. I can see why a logout might be needed to get X to 
whatever imitation of sanity it is doing today, but more "other stuff" seems to 
require reboot.

Glad someone is looking at this, thanks for the input.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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