On Tuesday, August 17, 2010 09:03:28 pm James McKenzie wrote:
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
> > Remember the old joke GIF image, with the box which said
> > 
> >   you have moved your mouse
> >   in order for this change to be effective you must reboot your system
> > 
> > > I've been through this discussion before but I have the EAR of RedHat (I
> work in an office that runs, literally, 500 RHEL/RHAS servers).  They
> are the one that said this, when Fedora was introduced.  I ran RH
> 7.1-9.1, FC 1-4 and then moved to a Mac.  Due to my work on several FOSS
> projects, I am back trying to install Fedora 13. 

why "trying?" my install was dead simple.


> This has all the
> appearances of being a real no-go.  I will try to get CentOS 5.5
> installed on it using information gained here and see where this goes.
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