On 08/20/2010 11:30 AM, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> Since I am a heavy gnome desktop user, I decided
> to take a look at KDE.
> The first thing I tried to do was to figure out how to
> move the bottom panel to the top, and I tried to
> drag and move it, but in the process, I "peeled" something
> out from the bottom and I unexpectedly dropped it into the
> middle of the screen...  it appeared as a partial window,
> there was only the title bar and what appeared to be, a 1/4"
> semi-window with no content and it was not a complete box
> encapsulation, it looked like two sticks on the left and right.
> I tried to put this "panel" back into the bottom panel, to
> no avail, giving up, I ended up deleting it.
> I noted that the bottom panel was not looking the same
> from its default.
> What I would like to do is to restore/reset the desktop back
> to a first time user.
> Is this possible?
> Some say to delete the .kde4 in the user's home directory
> but on F13, I only see .kde, not .kde3 nor .kde4, so I am
> assuming that F13 by default is probably KDE 3?
> As noted, I have amarok and perhaps other kde apps in
> gnome so it is perhaps not a good idea to simply blow
> away the .kde directory nor to simply rename the .kde
> to something else and expect to recover my gnome&  kde
> configurations, piecewise?  In particular, I definitely do not
> want to mess up my gnome settings, but since I am new to
> KDE, all I care is to figure out how to restore KDE to its new
> user defaults and proceed to learn how to configure KDE to
> my taste.
> Any advice?
Deleting .kde will eliminate your desktop after restart of computer. 
Then you can rebuild it to what you want.
When you add new Panel, the first one will be installed at top of your 

Be sure to put Task manger back onto Panel first, followed by System 
Tray, then Digital Clock and then anything else you want after that.
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