> Can you explain what trouble the linker had with the installed talloc?

I run the nightly tests of VTK and ParaView built with nightly Mesa
(software rendering).

It's sort of an early warning system that tells me if there will be
problems with the next versions.

Mesa git just merged it's glsl2 branch which pulled in a talloc requirement.

Mesa builds fine if have libtalloc-devel installed but then VTK fails to
build the tests with :

/home/kevin/mesa/lib/libGL.so: undefined reference to `talloc_strdup'
/home/kevin/mesa/lib/libGL.so: undefined reference to `_talloc_array'
/home/kevin/mesa/lib/libGL.so: undefined reference to `_talloc_free'
and on and on...

Maybe mesa isn't adding -ltalloc

All of this building from git/cvs repositories has me actually checking
that nm will show me the symbols and I've never encountered a library
for which nm said there were no symbols.

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