On 08/18/2010 10:22 PM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> Oh, but I tries that pen drive in other PC too (my friend's) and it is
> not even getting detected there (in Windows XP Prof.), so it made me
> to conclude that there is some internal problem of the pen-drive,
> which again is a guess but with probability more than 80%!

When you do not have a partition table, Windows does not know what
to do with it, so it will not show up as a drive in My Computer. It
will show up in the hardware list.

While you can use a drive with no partition table, such as you
created when you formatted /dev/sdb, it requires you to manually
mount it. Even with a proper parition table, if it is not formatted
as FAT, VFAT, or NTFS you will be limited in where you can use it. A
lot of printers, media players, etc do not understand NTFS.

Now, if you have used /dev/sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb, you would have
had better luck. But you want to be careful when you use command
line tools as root - they do exactly what you tell them to do,
without checking if you really want to do that. If you had used
/dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb, you would have wiped out your system.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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