On 08/16/2010 08:16 PM, Craig White wrote:

> you should convert your wrt54g immediately. DD-WRT works so much better
> and is much more secure.

thank you for advise.

i am thinking about it, just so i can play with wireless.

when i get some wireless cameras for surveillances, i will most
certainly convert it, if not sooner, and use it for security server
running "zoneminder".

right now, i am using a 2wire 2701hg-b dsl modem, 4 ports, plus wireless,
provided thru bellsouth.net. source of purchase that is.

it does have a nice 'web' setup interface. ping can be disabled, wep,
wpa, wpa2-psk.

2 things that i do not like are built-in antenna, and channels are
manually set, with no scan ability.

otherwise, it works very well.


peace out.



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