        I'm getting this in my logwatch logs, and as a result, I'm missing some
system "logwatch" emails which, apparently, are getting swatted by
SpamAssassin, which is running directly as a sendmail milter.
Logwatch runs under /etc/cron.hourly as root.

        Can someone please tell me where I can either configure sendmail to
save these somewhere for me, or how I can get SpamAssassin to not drop
these system "logwatch" emails (and *only* these logwatch emails) on the

        I am getting a number of these emails (sometimes) being marked as
[SPAM] but still being sent to me, and I keep feeding these messages to
sa-learn as HAM under both my user id and as root, but I'm still getting
some dropped immediately, and I still see many of my logwatch emails
being marked as [SPAM].  I assume because they are reporting on some
other SPAM email handling that contains some text of such a high SPAM
rating that they exceed the obvious SPAM threshold I have set up.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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