One more question:
Can I read/modify the  
nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff,dc=your,dc=suffix object, 
without being logged in as "Directory Manager". If so, what kind of aci's need 
I to set?

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rich Megginson
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:41 PM
To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup

Reinhard Nappert wrote:
> Actually I tried this.
> First, I just deleted the attributes  nsds50ruv, which was fine, from an ldap 
> operational point of view, but when I wanted to set replication up again, the 
> server complained with an operation error (nds50ruv attribute missing).
Right, you cannot just delete the attribute, you have to delete the entire 
> Then I though I just delete the entire entry 
> (nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff,dc=your,dc=suffix).
> This crashes the ldap server!
> Why does it not help, if I don't get rid of it? Since the info stays in 
> there, even after replication was disabled, I can not use this entry in order 
> to determine whether the server was already initialized, when I enable 
> replication for a second time.
> I think, I found a solution to this by using some objects from my internal 
> framework.
> However, the ldap server should not crash, when I try to delete this
> entry
I think we fixed that crashing bug a while ago.  Can you post a stack trace?
> -Reinhard
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rich
> Megginson
> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 4:44 PM
> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>> Thanks Rich.
>> When does the server delete the RUV entry?
>> After I set the server back to "standalone", by removing the changelog 
>> entry, all agreements and the replica entry, I still see the RUV entry:
>> ldapsearch -D <Directory Manager> -w <password> -b dc=your,dc=suffix
>> -x -LLL "(&(nsuniqueid=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))" nsds50ruv
>> dn: nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff,dc=your,dc=suffix
>> nsds50ruv: {replicageneration} 4c61bf2e000000010000
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 7 ldap://yale:389}
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 6 ldap://mustrum:389}
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1 ldap://louise:389} 4c62a60c000000010000
>> 4c62a60c000000010000
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 4 ldap://nix:389} 4c61c172000000040000
>> 4c62c59c000000040000
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 3 ldap://yale:389} 4c62a5c5000000030000
>> 4c62a5f1000000030000
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 2 ldap://mustrum:389}
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 8 ldap://nix:389} 4c62d029000000080000
>> 4c62efcc000000080000
>> nsds50ruv: {replica 5 ldap://louise:389} 4c62d1b9000000050000
>> 4c62d1b9000000050000
>> I would expect that this would have been deleted by the server.
> No, but you should be able to manually delete it.  It doesn't do anything if 
> you're using replication.
>> If not, this appraoch does not help.
> Why?
>> -Reinhard
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Rich
>> Megginson
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:32 PM
>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>> So,
>>> Is there a way to find out if a server was used for the initialization of 
>>> other servers?
>> You can query the RUV entry in the server:
>> ldapsearch -s one -b "dc=your,dc=suffix"
>> "(objectclass=nsTombstone)(nsuniqueid=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff)"
>> The generation is a CSN.  The first 8 bytes are the timestamp.  The
>> next
>> 4 bytes are the sequence number.  The next 4 bytes are the replica ID of the 
>> original master.
>> If there is no RUV, or the generation is missing, the server has either not 
>> been configured for replication, or has not been initialized.
>>> I am still not convinced that this is the cause, because when I add another 
>>> server as a consumer (E) to A and I do a initReplication(E, A) I run into 
>>> the same issue.
>> If you initReplication(A, D), then initReplication(E, A) you may run into 
>> the issue.
>>> -Reinhard
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Rich
>>> Megginson
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 11:12 AM
>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>>> Rick,
>>>> Are you saying that, once I have replicated the data from A to B and from 
>>>> B to C and from C to D, I don't replicate it from D to A? If so, can you 
>>>> explain why? Anyway, this step works!
>>> If you replace the word "replicated" with "initialized", then yes, you 
>>> don't initialize from D to A.  Although it may work, I think it may 
>>> introduce subtle errors, such as the ones you see.
>>>> So, 15 and 18 are up-to-date at this stage. Since the entire setup is done 
>>>> kind of automatically, the setting of nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh to start is 
>>>> always done, if the corresponding agreement exists on the remote box. Is 
>>>> there a way to find out when I have to set  nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh  to 
>>>> start?
>>>> In any case, this does not explain that I fix the issue by resetting 
>>>> nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh to start, once I run into this issue.
>>> I'm not exactly sure why you are seeing the errors you are seeing,
>>> nor why you can fix the issue with start refresh.  I do know that
>>> you should not re-initialize a server that has been used to initialize 
>>> other servers.
>>>> -Reinhard
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:
>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>> Rich Megginson
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 10:37 AM
>>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>>>> To explain it a bit easier, I define two "methods":
>>>>> 1. createAgreement(<remote ldap>):     <-- creates locally replication 
>>>>> agreement for remote ldap
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaType=3
>>>>>    nsDS5Flags=1
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaId=<unique id>
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaHost=<hostname of remote ldap>
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo=LDAP
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaPort=389
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaBindDN=<replManager-DN>
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod=SIMPLE
>>>>>    nsDS5ReplicaCredentials=<replManager-Password>
>>>>> 2. initReplication(<local ldap>, <remote ldap>):   <-- modifies the 
>>>>> existing remote replication agreement for the local ldap
>>>>>    nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh=start
>>>>> So, the order is the following:
>>>>> 1. On A: createAgreement(B)
>>>>> 2. On B: createAgreement(A)
>>>>> 3. On B: initReplication(B, A)
>>>>> 4. On B: createAgreement(C)
>>>>> 5. On C: createAgreement(B)
>>>>> 6. On C: initReplication(C, B)
>>>>> 7. On C: createAgreement(D)
>>>>> 8. On D: createAgreement(C)
>>>>> 9. On D: initReplication(D, C)
>>>>> 10. On D: createAgreement(A)
>>>>> 11. On A: createAgreement(D)
>>>>> 12. On A: initReplication(A, D)
>>>> 12 is a problem - you don't initialize the master (A) you started
>>>> from
>>>>> Now, I have the ring A<-->B<-->C<-->D<-->A. All of this works fine!
>>>>> Then, I want to create the cross-references from A to C and B to D 13.
>>>>> On A: createAgreement(C) 14. On C: createAgreement(A) 15. On C:
>>>>> initReplication(C, A)
>>>> 15 is a problem - C has already been initialized
>>>>> After step 15, I run into this issue. The same thing happens, when I set 
>>>>> B and D up.
>>>>> 16. On B: createAgreement(D)
>>>>> 17. On D: createAgreement(B)
>>>>> 18. On D: initReplication(D, B)
>>>> 18 is a problem - D has already been initialized
>>>>> -Reinhard
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From:
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>> Rich Megginson
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 10:09 AM
>>>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>>>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>>>>> At first I create (besides the changelog and replica entry with 
>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaType=3, nsDS5Flags=1 and an unique nsDS5ReplicaId) the 
>>>>>> shadowing agreement with nsDS5ReplicaHost=<hostname of remote server>, 
>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo=LDAP, nsDS5ReplicaPort=389, 
>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaBindDN=<replManager-DN>, nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod=SIMPLE, 
>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaCredentials=<replManager-Password> on both sides, let's say 
>>>>>> A and D (A first and then D).
>>>>>> Then, I do initiate the replication by setting nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh 
>>>>>> to start on A.
>>>>> And you do that for A -> B, A -> C?  How do you initialize D?
>>>>>> -Reinhard
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>>> Rich Megginson
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 5:57 PM
>>>>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>>>>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>>>>>> Rich,
>>>>>>> I have an setup like:
>>>>>>>     A <-----> B
>>>>>>>    /\ \    / /\
>>>>>>>     |  \  /   |
>>>>>>>     |   \/    |
>>>>>>>     |  / \    |
>>>>>>>     | /   \   |
>>>>>>>    /\/     \ /\
>>>>>>>     D <-----> C
>>>>>>> At first, I do set the agreements up for the Ring A to B to C to B to 
>>>>>>> A. This works. Then, I try to set the cross agreements from A to C and 
>>>>>>> B to D up. This is where I run into this issue.
>>>>>>> Let's have a look how I do those cross agreements. First I add
>>>>>>> an agreement on A for C. This is fine. Then, I do the same on C
>>>>>>> (for
>>>>>>> A) and I get  the messages NSMMReplicationPlugin - 
>>>>>>> agmt="cn=nix2mustrum" (mustrum:389): Received error 89: NULL for total 
>>>>>>> update operation On C and on A I get:
>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:17:12:37 -0400] - somehow, there are still 16
>>>>>>> entries in the entry cache. :/
>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:17:12:38 -0400] - WARNING: Import is running with
>>>>>>> nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; No other process is allowed to
>>>>>>> access the database
>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:17:12:38 -0400] - BAD CACHE ASSERTION at
>>>>>>> ../ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/cache.c/765: e->ep_refcnt > 0
>>>>>>> Hope, this helps.
>>>>>> How do you do the replica init?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> -Reinhard
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From:
>>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>> Reinhard Nappert
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:42 PM
>>>>>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>>>>>> Rich, on the consumer, I see the following messages:
>>>>>>> NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=nix2mustrum" (mustrum:389):
>>>>>>> Received error 89: NULL for total update operation
>>>>>>> -Reinhard
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From:
>>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>> Rich Megginson
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:41 PM
>>>>>>> To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [389-users] Multi-Master setup
>>>>>>> Reinhard Nappert wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I have seen the following message in the errors log file, when
>>>>>>>> I set MMR agreements up:
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:44 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>>>>>>>> repl_set_mtn_referrals: could not set referrals for replica o=base:
>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:44 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>>>>>>>> multimaster_be_state_change: replica o=base is going offline;
>>>>>>>> disabling replication
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:46 -0400] - somehow, there are still 20
>>>>>>>> entries in the entrycache. :/
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:46 -0400] - WARNING: Import is running with
>>>>>>>> nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; No other process is allowed
>>>>>>>> to access the database
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:48 -0400] - BAD CACHE ASSERTION at
>>>>>>>> ../ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/cache.c/765: e->ep_refcnt > 0
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:52 -0400] - Fedora-Directory/1.1.2
>>>>>>>> B2009.090.1643 starting up
>>>>>>>> [10/Aug/2010:11:46:52 -0400] - Detected Disorderly Shutdown
>>>>>>>> last time DirectoryServer was running, recovering database.
>>>>>>>> After I re-initialize the database from the supplier (setting
>>>>>>>> attribute nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh to start of the agreement
>>>>>>>> object), the database gets correctly imported.
>>>>>>>> Any idea, what is going on?
>>>>>>> No, not sure.  But if you can develop a reproducible test case, that 
>>>>>>> would be helpful.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -Reinhard
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