I use NetworkManager to manage wireless connection following these steps:

1. Right click the network manager icon in the panel and click Edit
2. Select wireless tab, choose the access ID under Name column, click edit.
3. Click the IPv4 Settings tab.
4. Choose Automatic with manual DNS settings from the Method drop-down
5. In the DNS Servers text box, type
6. In the Search Domains text box, type "opennic.glue". I'm not sure if
this is needed, but it never hurt anything in the past.
7. Click OK and close the network manager window.

This worked ok. but then this causes problem when I changed my ISP, if
I alter steps from Step 3

Click the IPv4 Settings tab -> IPv4 Settings -> choose Automatic (DHCP)

This always picked up my old DNS (from my old ISP). This is the same
problem  when I access public wireless points. The DNS nameserver from
the public access point was not updated, instead, the old dns
nameservers were picked up.

I check around and can't find where the old DNS nameservers were hidden

can some one offer me a hint?




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