On 08/10/2010 07:28 AM, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
> The wireless router has an Internet --> WAN page in its setup that
> includes a choice of Internet Connection Types: (1) Dynamic IP (DHCP),
> which I can't use since the DSL modem has already taken the one IP
> address assigned by my ISP;
> (2) Static IP; (3) PPPoE; (4) PPTP; and (5) L2TP 
> Will any of these work? I'd appreciate some advice before I rush in and
> start changing things without knowing what I'm doing...


Based on what you've said....

Plug the WAN interface of the D-Link DIR-615 into one of the ports of
your router, just like all of your other hardwired systems, and manually
configure the WAN interface the same as those systems.  i.e. Static IP.

Configure the wireless side making sure that the subnet assigned is
different than the one being used on the WAN side.  e.g. if the WAN side
is using 192.168.1.X make the wireless side use 192.168.2.X with a
netmask of  Also, make sure the wireless side is
configured to supply DHCP services to wireless clients.

"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable
computers?" 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市八德路四段

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