On 2/13/25 1:15 PM, Barry wrote:

On 13 Feb 2025, at 17:51, home user via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> 

When I ran chkrootkit

I cannot find evidence of this tool being maintained.
But I did find people saying its reports contain false positives.


Thank-you, Barry.  I "patch" weekly.  dnf says this tool was last patched on my 
workstation on Dec. 12, 2023.

dnf says I have version 0,47,  It's in the @System repository, from fedora repo.

The tool's webpage says there is a 0.58b, released on July 05, 2023.  So our 
repository does seem behind, and it does seem the tool is being maintained 
slowly if still at all.

This morning on the web, I did see that chkrootkit is prone to false positives.  I've 
seen that with the tool's check of "lkm".

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