On Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:10:30 +1030
"Tim via users" <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 2024-12-26 at 22:56 +0000, Bob Marčan via users wrote:
> > Should we abandon rpm and adapt snap or flatpak for Fedora?
> > Realy?  
> Hell, no...
> Generic packages don't quite fit into specific ecosystems.  They don't
> have the optimisations.  Sometimes they're only partially compatible (I
> can't print, at all, from various programs that are appimages).
> Sometimes they're completely incompatible (there are other things on
> your system that need to be the right version for them to run), so the
> one-size-fits-all idea is just wrong.
> I'm reminded of Java apps.  Which also never fitted in with your OS,
> sticking out like a sore thumb.  They looked very different, often very
> primitive.  They didn't quite work the way every other program did on
> your system.
> One way that packages can be made generic is to include everything in
> them, including libraries that would otherwise be a system library of
> some kind (not *the* system library, but one that's used by many
> programs).  This makes every generic package bigger than it needs to b
> be.
> On almost every OS, for an app to work well (or at all), it has to be
> compiled for the OS you use it with.  Or run in some kind of emulator
> that pretends to be something else.
> --

That was a rhetorical question. 
You have described all the weaknesses of this approach. 

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