On Fri, 2024-12-20 at 09:12 +1100, Stephen Morris wrote:
> > 
> > $ systemctl restart --user plasma-plasmashell
> Thanks Patrick, I had no idea what constituted Plasma Shell. Is it 
> actually a user space service, I would have thought is would be global 
> with potentially configuration options in system-settings to configure 
> it on a user by user basis, but then having said that I don't remember 
> seeing any options for that, although they could be there and I haven't 
> understood the significance of what I am seeing.

Not that surprising. I guess you know what a shell is and clearly
shells are always user space, but the KDE/Plasma docs could be clearer,
especially as many parts (probably most) don't have a man page and
force you to use a GUI to find out about them. Personally I hate this,
though I continue to use KDE/Plasma.

Try typing 'plasma' into the Kicker search field and you'll get some
starting points to enlightenment, assuming you have the KDE docs
installed. Also 'rpm -qa plasma\*' will list relevant packages, though
none of them happens to contain the string 'shell' in its name,
amusingly. The one you want is 'plasma-desktop' but it contains no docs
of any kind. I discovered this by doing 'dnf search shell|grep -i

The systemctl restart trick is from an email by Rex Dieter on this list
a few years ago which I can't find right now, but which I took note of.

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