Glad to know I'm not the only one.  Given the frustration 1 beer may not be enough :)


On 11/19/24 09:49, Frank Elsner wrote:
On Tue, 19 Nov 2024 07:56:07 -0800 Paolo Galtieri wrote:
   [ ... ]

Now for the frustrating issue.

I run the MATE desktop and since F40 I see a strange problem with
mate-terminal.  I have MATE configured to remember running application
on logout so they are restarted when I login.  At the time I logout my
mate-terminals are 24x80.  When I log back in they are 7x42.  New ones
are 24x80.  So every time I login I have to resize my terminals.  This
is frustrating. This problem only occurs with the MATE desktop and
mate-terminal combination.  If I run gnome-terminal or xfce-terminal
under MATE they remain at 24x80.  If I run Xfce desktop and run
mate-terminal it remains 24x80 through logout and login.  This does not
happen with F39.  I don't know what changed to cause this.  I first
noticed this after upgrading a system from F39 -> F40.  This issue also
happens with F40 and F41 virtual machines and with F40 Server and doing
a groupinstall of the MATE desktop.
You are not alone. I've the same issue and it is realy annoying.
A beer for the person who solves it.


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