On 4 August 2010 06:00, JB <jb.123...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> JB <jb.123abc <at> yahoo.com> writes:
>> ...
>> Hi, I forgot it.
>> ...
> I would do this as well.
> You may lose some custom settings, but it appears it is effective (I removed
> battery widget from my panel unintentionally and could not add it back via
> panel's add widgets; I nuked .kde and battery was back again.).
> log out kde.
> # rm -rf .kde /root/.kde
> log in kde.
> Btw,
> I searched around (Google, bugzilla, etc) and could not find any clear ref.
> I would suggest going irc freenode, find kde or kde-specific-topic channel.
> Also kde mailing list is a possible venue to ask about.

Finally I've found the source of the problem, and a workaround.
Because I've had problems with the nouveau driver (random system hangs
even in 2D mode), I switched back to nvidia, and because this always
hangs on logout/shutdown/reboot, i installed again the latest F12
kernel. Lo and behold, power management works again. This is without
/usr/libexec/upowerd running, so maybe the 2.6.33 kernel handles this
in a different way and kde has yet to catch up.

Hopefully by the time the F12 kernel is obsolete this will be fixed.


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