On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 08:43 -0400, Go Canes wrote:
> [Trimmed a lot of text - this is all regarding teal messages showing
> up when booting.]
> Last night I was troubleshooting a problem and booted with "norhgb
> noquiet", and I see the teal messages (this is on F39).  As near as I
> can tell the teal messages are just the stdout from the programs
> executing during boot.  They seem more of the "informational" or "FYI"
> type of thing.  But I do not claim any authority or expertise on the
> subject ;-).
Oh I agree! I have seen no indication of error messages or even warnings. This
(teal messages) is not something I'm worried about, more just curious. It
could, however, still be a bug in that something is setting the colour and not
resetting it.

I'm reasonably(!) sure that I didn't see the problem with F39 though. As I
updated my laptop to F40 soon after it was released, perhaps an update since
then has caused it to appear in F39.

As Fedora uses a graphical boot by default (AFAIK), I suspect most users have
no idea that this is occurring. On the Linux servers at work, none of which run
Fedora, I always disable the graphical boot in order to see if there are any
problems when a server boots up. I do the same on my home laptop (running F40),
which is where I am seeing the problem. It may also explain why the 'problem'
has not been reported.

I'm going to play a bit more, run F40 under KVM and perhaps F39 if I can get


John Horne | Senior Operations Analyst | Technology and Information Services
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