On 6/11/24 18:39, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 11/6/24 23:08, David King wrote:
On 6/10/24 18:18, Stephen Morris wrote:
When I invoke Jellyfin on the TV and supply the require IP address
of my pc and required port, the Jellyfin client tells me the server
(I think) needs to be upgraded and gives me the Github URL to get
the upgrade.
Hence I need to approach the Rpmfusion guys to see if they can
upgrade the server to the latest version.
I ran into the same problem and I've been able to work around it.
RPMFusion currently distributes version 10.8.13 of Jellyfin. My TV
client complained that this was too far out of date. The current
release of Jellyfin is 10.9.6. The guy who's maintaining the
Jellyfin packages on RPMFusion has built packages for 10.9.6 but for
whatever reason those packages haven't been published into the
repository yet. I manually downloaded his packages from the build
section of RPMFusion and installed them and they worked, fixing my
problem. The complete list of Jellyfin builds is here:
https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=648 Clicking a
link there will take you to a page that has links for the RPM
downloads from that build.
Thanks David, I uninstalled 10.8.13 from the repositories and
downloaded and installed the package from the tar file at the github
URL and followed the manual install instructions on their web site, I
didn't download the Fedora rpm's they had as like rpmfusion they were
for 10.8.13 not 10.9.6. The github URL supplied by the client linked
to a git version of Jellyfin, which only provided a zip file to
download, but that zip file didn't seem to be set up to run Jellyfin
on Linux, but that git version also had a folder that made it look
like that package had patches to upgrade the version to 10.10.0. I
would prefer the rpmfusion if I could get it assuming the 10.9.6
implementation is the same as their 10.8.13 implementation.
With the server installed on my pc, when I access the server from a
browser on my pc, the installed 10.9.6 implementation seems to be
lacking features that the 10.8.13 version had, particularly from the
admin interface, that make it simple to get back to the dashboard from
the configuration interface.
I will need to do some investigation, but 10.8.13 had a media type of
"Photos" which 10.9.6 doesn't have, it seems to have "Home Movies and
Photos", which seems to be defective. When I add my photos as a
library it seems to be duplicating every photo in the library, which
it doesn't seem to do from a "Movies" library, which 10.8.13 didn't
seem to do. All the photos in the libraries I've created are all
".jpg" files, which Jellyfin seems to be having difficulty displaying,
but at the moment I'm not sure if it can't or the speed of my NAS is
making it very slow to load the files. I'll need to compare that with
the loading of movies from my NAS as well.
The other issue I have after setting up the activation of the server
as a service, is that the client on my TV can't auto detect the server
even though they are both on wifi and the server IP address hasn't
changed from what the client was configured to when I installed it.
Sorry, I don't have any insight into any of that. I only use Jellyfin
for streaming video. I use Piwigo for my photo gallery.
For Jellyfin bugs I have found the Jellyfin Chat on Matrix a good first
stop, There aren't many (any?) Linux users there but they do know the
internals of the application itself very well. See
David King
dave at daveking dot com
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