On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, July 31, 2010 06:13:21 pm D. VITELLIUS REGULUS did opine:
>> Is there any programs i can use to install .exe files to Fedora 13?
>> Investigator, Embassy Investigations.
> I get the impression this one came from a hacker, looking for some way to
> exploit linux.
> If you come back again, please come back with a believable name, and a
> believable return address.  This msg sets off all sorts of red lights and
> alarms.

Can you elaborate a bit?  The OP is apparently a member of a
PoliceOne. Have you actually taken a look at that site?


"PoliceOne.com is the #1 resource for up-to-the-minute law enforcement
information online. More than 200,000 police professionals nationwide
are registered PoliceOne members and trust us to provide them with the
most timely, accurate and useful information available anywhere. At
PoliceOne, we take your safety and protection of law enforcement
sensitive information we provide very seriously. We confirm the status
of all officers registering for PoliceOne by calling that officer’s
department directly. Our mission is to provide you with leading edge
information and resources that make you better able to protect your
communities and stay safer on the streets."

So how is his return address not believable and why do you feel the
need to call him out on it even if it's not?  He asked a pretty simple
question, got a pretty simple answer, and was happy with it.  What
gives you the right to call him a "hacker" and besmirch his name,
fictional or not, on this public list?

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