Sherman Grunewagen:
>> When I send a message to the list, the "From" field has my
>> name and e-mail addr.  But when it appears on the list, it's
>> been magically changed to "fedora users".
>> Some posters have their name preserved in the
>> From: field.  Is there a list setting that controls this?

Samuel Sieb:
> It has to do with your email provider.  Certain ones cause problems if 
> your actual email address shows up as the sender.

An anti-spam technique which, on the face of it sounds a good idea, yet
broke so many things.

Only your own SMTP server ought to be able to send mail using your
address.  Any other SMTP server attempting to do so would be assumed to
be a spammer, so that is disallowed.

To do that effectively, all ISPs should be getting you to sign in to
its SMTP server as you post through it (so you're a verified poster). 
And your email address' domain name should have a record saying its the
authorised poster (disallowing others to pretend to be you, or other
users of that domain).  Although that mayn't stop someone on the same
ISP as you forging your address, it'd really depend on your ISP making
you sign in to send, and it checking the address you post with against
that sign-in.

However, most mailing lists behave this way:  The message is from you,
and is forwarded that way, coming through them.  Which is logical, but
this runs afoul of this simplistic antispam system.  The simple
solution is to rewrite the sender's email address to match the list's.

Oddly, I'm posting through Yahoo and signing in to do so, yet it still
does it.  Maybe the list has had enough problems with posting to Yahoo
that they do that for all Yahoo addresses.

I don't actually mind this.  I don't want email from people I don't
know.  Many years of experience on mailing lists has shown that some
people behave very differently if they mail you privately.  Plus not
having your address in the public cuts down on spam.  Though you could
put your address in your signature if you want to.
uname -rsvp
Linux 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
Boilerplate:  All unexpected mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted.
I will only get to see the messages that are posted to the mailing list.
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