Hi, I've noticed a difference in behavior between 1.0.x and 1.2.x Version of FDS. Version 1.2.x will not return the hole schema (without specifying attributes objectClasses, matchingRules ).
This a problem when querying by use of VBScript (i need this ugly stuff in a windows login script to get specific user data from the LDAP). ADSI will first do a root-DSE query to determine the provided schema. If the server returns no schema, ADSI will allow you to query only standard LDAP V2 attributes (and not my special ones). Query a Server with Version 1.2.5 # ./ldapsearch -h -b cn=schema -s base "objectclass=*" version: 1 dn: cn=schema objectClass: top objectClass: ldapSubentry objectClass: subschema cn: schema Specifying for instance "objectClasses" attribut in the query returns the wanted data: version: 1 dn: cn=schema objectClasses: ( NAME 'top' ABSTRACT MUST objectClass X-ORIGIN 'RFC 45 12' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'alias' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST aliasedObjectNam e X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4512' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'subschema' AUXILIARY MAY ( dITStructureRules $ nameForms $ dITContentRules $ objectClasses $ attributeTypes $ matchingRule s $ matchingRuleUse ) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4512' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'extensibleObject' SUP top [...] Query a Server with Version 1.0.4 version: 1 dn: cn=schema objectClass: top objectClass: ldapSubentry objectClass: subschema cn: schema objectClasses: ( NAME 'top' DESC 'Standard LDAP objectclass' ABSTRACT MUST objectClass X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'alias' DESC 'Standard LDAP objectclass' SUP top ABSTRACT MUST aliasedObjectName X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'extensibleObject' DESC 'LD APv3 extensible object' SUP top AUXILIARY X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2252' ) [...] Is there a way to configure the 1.2.x series to get the old behavior? Regards, Rudolf -- Rudolf Hatheyer alpha nova Betriebsgesm.b.H. Idlhofgasse 59-63 8020 Graz Tel: 0043/316/722622 Fax: 0043/316/722622-16 Mobil: 0699/14032570 http://www.alphanova.at -- 389 users mailing list 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users