Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> Is there any reason you can't upload them to a cloud service (Google
>> Drive, Dropbox etc.), then download them on the target system?

> Nothing other than than cloud backup gives both my
> wife and me the creeps.

I had one of those WD or Seagate NAS drives, that have their own local
cloud within your LAN feature.  They supported the back-up schemes of
Windows and Mac.

So, supposedly, you have their streamlined method of doing backups and
restore, where you can follow the native instructions for doing it, and
just point them at your own personal cloud.

As well as just supporting the various network file systems (Mac,
Windows, and NFS), to use them as just a hard drive on the LAN.

Hint:  For the ones that are the size and shape of a fat hardback book,
prop them up with something so they can't be knocked over sideways. 
The little snap-on foot they supply isn't wide enough.
uname -rsvp
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