On 29/8/23 01:19, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 11:16 AM Roger Heflin <rogerhef...@gmail.com> wrote:
Possible ways, are if the /boot was not mounted when a prior kernel
removal was done, or if something else was mounted over boot when that
kernel removal was done.
Not removing the last kernel during dnf-sysytem-upgrade is by design.

You have to manually remove the old kernel(s) from previous versions of Fedora.
My experience with this is you don't have to, new kernel installs subsequent to the dnf-system-upgrade remove the oldest kernel relative to the install limit irrespective of whether that kernel is the for the current OS or the previous OS. For example, I have an install limit of 5, and I used dnf-system-upgrade to upgrade from F37 to F38, and currently I don't have any F37 kernels in /boot because the dnf installs of the F38 kernels auto-removed the F37 kernels each time.


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