On Wed, 09 Aug 2023 11:25:42 +0930
Tim via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 2023-08-08 at 12:28 -0700, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> > Yes, the card has been in use for nearly two years and has 250G of
> > data. The problem only began recently.  
> I wouldn't trust the card, then.  If the card has gone bad, rather
> than the computer just messed up the data it puts on it, chances are
> it's just going to get worse and worse.  If reformatting didn't help
> you, I'd say get rid of the card to do yourself a favour.  Perhaps
> see if the card had a long warranty on it.
> For what it's worth, I don't re-use SD cards.  I've had bad
> experiences with re-used cards, and with re-formatting then.
> I used to use them with my camera, before I got a phone with a good
> camera.  And I still use them with Zoom and Tascam sound recorders. 
> But I just fill them up (though not to 100%), then store the full ones
> on the shelf as my back-up, and put a new card in the device.  As
> someone who started off in photography with 35 mm film, the idea of
> "stashing the negatives for posterity" is still in my mindset.
> Mind you, these aren't $100+ cards.  They're store bought Sandiscs
> (and other brands I trust) costing around $40 for 64 gig, or less for
> 32 gig.  Quite apart from the devices having size limits for the cards
> they support, I found that really huge cards meant far too many files
> to comfortably work with on speed-limited media or card readers.

Much as my pocketbook hates to admit it,  good advice. Thanks.
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