> Am 05.07.2023 um 04:24 schrieb Bill Cunningham <bill.cu1...@gmail.com>:
>     I installed the Server addition to get used to servers. I added firefox 
> and Xfce and their dependencies along with httpd and tried to log into 
> localhost:9090. I believe that is the right port. I am prompted to enter 
> fedora server edition password. I have read there is no default password, but 
> it wants a user name. What am I supposed to enter as a user? To access Fedora 
> Server Edition from Xfc and firefox?

As part of the installation you are required to provide at least one user, 
either using root and create a password or - the recommended way - create a 
non-privileged system user who is by default entitled to acquire root 
priviledges to perform administrative tasks. Without selecting one or these 
choices the installation program will not proceed (see 
 Use this user to login with Cockpit. By default root doesn’t work here for 
security reasons. You would have to modify the default configuration. I would 
highly recommend never doing that - and off the top of my head, I don't even 
know how to do that. 

To access the web admin GUI you use https://YOUR_SERVER_DNS_NAME:9090 
<https://your_server_dns_name:9090/> or https://YOUR.SERVER.IP:9090 on your 
_desktop_ to connect to your server.

By the way, I am planning an article "Getting Started with Fedora Server 
Edition" or "Get to Know Fedora Server Edition" as an introduction for new 
users who are getting started with a server for the first time. Do you have any 
idea what you would like to see in such an article?


Peter Boy

Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)

Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast

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