It seems to be saying that the directory access requested requires labeling as usr_t, but its current type is usr_t -- it requires usr_t but it's currently labeled usr_t -- there appears to confusion here on the part of Selinux, no? I've tried applying the recommended fix, but the recommended fix just resets the labelling to what it already is, and I'm going round in circles
Summary: SELinux is preventing /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin "execmod" access to /opt/google-earth/ Detailed Description: SELinux denied access requested by /opt/google-earth/googleearth- bin. /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin is mislabeled. /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin default SELinux type is usr_t, but its current type is usr_t. Changing this file back to the default type, may fix your problem. -- Claude Jones Brunswick, MD, USA -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: