Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> I have two messages held for moderation, each reported with the
> following message. One of them is 53,454 bytes, the other is  44,018
> bytes. What's going on?
> I would not normally trouble the list about this, but they have been
> pending for two days and there seems to be no way to reach the
> moderator.

Sorry for the delay.

If we could, we'd probably have the list reject instead of
hold, as there's generally not much chance we will approve
large messages.  But that's not something we can configure
at the list admin level in mailman (AFAIK).

It's better to trim the output than wait for the messages to
be approved or rejected.

The list owners / moderators can be reached via the
${list}  The list info page
does include this information.


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