On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 10:46 AM Doug Herr <fedoraproject....@wombatz.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 2, 2023, at 8:14 AM, Roger Heflin wrote:
> > Hardware or software raid typically makes and exact copy of what they
> > are mirroring.
> I was just preparing a reply to this. I had been confused since I do run 
> Linux MD raid 1 and I was pretty sure I had matching UUID. Here are two 
> examples that show older and newer raid version/type:
> (note that they use matching UUID for the members, but use a unique UUID for 
> the raid, and that there is also a unique PARTUUID for each)
> 8:39-doug@wombat-~>blkid | grep 7:
> /dev/sdb7: UUID="a1efda72-102e-139f-6435-186fb839f57c" 
> TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="28f4447c-07"
> /dev/md7: UUID="8688b29b-c244-4dc6-88bc-02f282396dc3" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" 
> TYPE="ext4"
> /dev/sda7: UUID="a1efda72-102e-139f-6435-186fb839f57c" 
> TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="87e58b90-07"
> 8:39-doug@wombat-~>blkid | grep 1:
> /dev/sdb1: UUID="deb9b913-0a73-90d8-6b37-12e5156fce03" 
> UUID_SUB="50b1ecf9-a7bd-6ba5-131e-4bbde91735c8" 
> LABEL="wombat.wombatz.com:boot" TYPE="linux_raid_member" 
> PARTUUID="28f4447c-01"
> /dev/sda1: UUID="deb9b913-0a73-90d8-6b37-12e5156fce03" 
> UUID_SUB="8efb2a67-f08a-4ba9-186f-11f7afec25c7" 
> LABEL="wombat.wombatz.com:boot" TYPE="linux_raid_member" 
> PARTUUID="87e58b90-01"
> /dev/md1: UUID="72f36fca-b84e-45f4-8621-d85b14a32ff3" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" 
> TYPE="ext4"
> _______________________________________________

If your only duplicates are the above member UUID's then anaconda must
have a bug in dealing with pre-existing md-raid configs and not
ignoring the raid_members that will be duplicate.

Given 38 is out you may simply want to try to see if 38 works or not.
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