On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 03:04:38 -0700
ToddAndMargo via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> VLC can play a lot of stuff, but the player
> has so, so many bugs in it that I am thinking

Have you opened a bug report with their upstream, or even on Fedora,
for the issues you have?  Are the devs aware of the problems, but not
fixing them?  Are there lots of 'me too's in the bugs? I'm just curious
whether it is just your user experience, or the broader community also
has a lot of issues.

Whenever I've used vlc, it has done what I asked of it, though that is
only occasionally.

> You guys have a favorite sub for VLC?

I primarily use mplayer.  Under the covers it uses ffmpeg, which seems
to have a lot of development, if the git repository is any indication.
So, if you want cutting edge, you could use ffplay from ffmpeg.
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