> On 22 Mar 2023, at 04:50, Ranjan Maitra <mlmai...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Thanks, so no cron job? And, my apologies, but where can I get an example?

Here is an example that I use:

$ systemctl --user cat mail-maintenance.timer
# /home/barry-mail/.config/systemd/user/mail-maintenance.timer
Description=mail maintenance


$ systemctl --user cat mail-maintenance.service
# /home/barry-mail/.config/systemd/user/mail-maintenance.service
Description=mail maintenance

# use a shared lock while do the main actions
# which include stopping dovecot etc.
ExecStart=flock -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service 
%h/fetchmail/mail-maintenance.sh maintenance

# use a exclusive lock to make sure that there are no other main-maintenance
# services running in maintenance mode before turning dovecot back on
ExecStartPost=flock -x /usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service  
%h/fetchmail/mail-maintenance.sh post_dovecot
ExecStartPost=%h/fetchmail/mail-maintenance.sh post_fetchmail

The OnCalendar can have a timezone on it like this:

        OnCalendar=02:45 UTC

man systemd.time details the format accepted.


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