On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Christofer C. Bell
<christofer.c.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You know, this thread is pointless.  It's Parshwa saying "I don't know
> anything!" over and over, g making things scarier than they are, and
> folks like Marko here basically implying Fedora's a big PITA.

Yes, If you are suddenly put to work in Electrical Engineering works,
you would suck suddenly because that is not your field, and if you
have an interest in that, you would start from the first point to
learn that and you would say 'I don't know anything' (right now), but
the more troubleshooting you do in Electrical Engg., the less you
would suck at. So for a new user, its something new, and the one he is
doing by his interest.

> None of this is true.  Parshwa's not stupid.  He learned Windows in the first
> place, he can learn Fedora just by bucking down and using it.  And
> Fedora's less of a PITA than Windows.

So you learned by bucking down!

> I can't believe I've run into a Fedora FUD thread on the Fedora users
> list.  I'm completely floored.  You all have fun with it.

Okay and thanks for the post.

Parshwa Murdia
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