> I gave up and bought a $15 wind up timer.
> At least I can hear it.  Well hear it rattle
> for 4 seconds.  It may have a bell sound, but I
> can't hear it.

Sometimes the old-fashioned ways are best.  We got something like 25
years out of a wind-up timer before the bell fell off the back.

I just use the one in my phone, since it's nearly always nearby, I'll
hear it go off (unlike the wind-up timer on the stove, which I probably
won't hear at the other end of the house).  I wish mine only did go off
for a few seconds and quit.

Others have suggested things like gnome-clock (the desktop toolbar
gadget, I believe), and the equivalent for other desktop systems.

I notice that Mate has a timer app that can be put on the toolbar, it
pops up a dialogue when done, but is silent.

uname -rsvp
Linux 3.10.0-1160.83.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 25 16:41:43 UTC 2023 x86_64
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