My apologies, I did not see this email earlier.

On Sun Jan22'23 12:00:53PM, Community Support for Fedora Users wrote:
> From: stan via users <>
> Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 12:00:53 -0700
> To:
> Cc: stan <>
> Reply-To: Community support for Fedora users <>
> Subject: Re: @x86-baremetal-tools on F37
> On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 11:07:47 -0600
> Ranjan Maitra <> wrote:
> > Thanks, yes, that is what I did (uncommented the memtest and
> > commented that line.) But is this not a bug in the fedora-kickstarts
> > package, since that line is part of a system-wide file at:
> > /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-live-base.ks
> Yes, I surmise that the removal was not complete.  You could open a
> bugzilla on the package of that file to get it fixed.
> fedora-kickstarts-0.36.0-0.3.fc37.noarch
Yes, I was thinking of doing this, and will do so now.

> > Btw, there is a bug in livecd-tools: see
> > and I do not
> > know how to get around it. (There was a response to my bug report,
> > but I do not understand it.)
> So, it looks like it is the terminal login, and gdm, which is somehow
> connected to login, but is not owned by any package.  Isn't gdm the
> gnome desktop manager?  Maybe this is a relic that hasn't been cleaned
> up after the move to Wayland?
> /etc/X11/gdm
> /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions
> /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Blackbox
> /etc/dconf/db/gdm
> $ rpm -qf /etc/X11/gdm
> file /etc/X11/gdm is not owned by any package
> The only imgcreate I can find is
> python3-imgcreate-31.0-2.fc37.x86_64
> As far is I can tell, there is no library connected with that package.
> Perhaps it is one of its dependencies that is causing the problem.
> What happens if you try doing the creation in a virtual console?  They
> can be found at Ctrl-Alt-F[3-6]. Some are used by different processes,
> so you will have to try until you get a login screen.
> _______________________________________________

Because I did not see your email earlier, I went ahead and tried the kickstart 
files that are presumably the ones that are used to build the official Fedora 
spins. I tried the kickstarts for the Workstation, the LXDE and the XFCE Live 
CDs. In all cases, the error is the same.

Does this mean that the Fedora LiveCDs are created by some other process? I 
always assumed that it was in the same manner as how I rolled my own personal 
spins, but with the official kickstart files.

Why should it matter that I do the creations in a virtual screen? I setenforce 
to 0 and then use livecd-creator on the .ks file to create my spin. Would a 
virtual console do something else?

Many thanks and best wishes,
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