On 07/23/2010 11:07 AM, jack craig wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I work in a web-based application provider context.
> As there are issues/comments regarding the display of application,
> its common for me to use the screenshot tool to grab a copy of the
> screen display
> to a .png file for support to address. that part is fine.
> What I am missing is an easy way to markup a .png with boxes, arrows,
> etc to
> further communicate what it is about the .png to be addressed.
> gimp seems too heavy weight for this, OO's draw isnt that friendly, and
> ! am unaware
> of other options.
> This  is where y'all come in, anyone got a good suggestion for my
> missing markup tool?
> Last year, I was working for M$ and vista had one nice feature, a
> simple screenshot/markup tool in one app.
> Thats kind of what I am looking for in terms of usage... anyone?
> TIA, jackc...

Install "shutter" from the repos.

It has markup tools galore.  http://shutter-project.org/about/
-- Steve
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