On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Les <hlhow...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Fedora is unique only because it rotates software frequently, about
> every 18 months for the release cycle with about 36 months support.  So
> if you go to Fedora 13 today, it will be fully supported for another
> year roughly before Fedora 14 comes out, and then supported for 18
> months after that.  The reasons to upgrade are due to the evolution of
> protection against attacks, new and better (we hope) software, and new
> developments in general related to computing.

Fedora releases every 6 months, and supports a release for 1 month
past the release of n+1[1].  This means that Fedora 13, which was
released May 25 will be supported until, roughly, June of 2011(*).
This is 13 months and a far cry short of 36 months.  Fedora 11 is
already unsupported[2] and went EOL (End of Life) on June 25th[3].

In other words, Fedora 11 cannot be recommended, and should not be
used.  While the recommendation to use Fedora 13 is correct, the
situation is actually a little more dire than outlined above.

Perhaps you're thinking of Debian.[4]  ;-)

(*) I say "roughly" because it's likely the Fedora 15 will not release
on schedule and the EOL date for F13 is determined by the day of
release of Fedora 15.  That EOL date will be one month later.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LifeCycle
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life
[3] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-June/002830.html

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