On Sun, 06 Nov 2022 12:13:44 -0000
"Jake D" <techsupport_accou...@riseup.net> wrote:


> many also having been lured onto  Fedora ...), and thus I was put in
> touch with one of the course tutors.
> I copied my first post through to him, and in about  10 minutes and
> two emails of plain, easy language, it was fixed. I didn't write down
> the exact commands as I was otherwise focused, but I do recall that
> we had to open the 'crypt tab' on the encrypted drive first, get the
> volumes name, then close it and re-open again with crypt setup but
> using this name. this seemed to resolve the error message I was
> having, and everything went smoothly from there, re-installing grub
> then initramfs.
> The fact that this was so easy and close to my original steps, makes
> me suspicious that people here knew all along, but were rather
> choosing to withhold information or present it cryptically to prove
> some kindof of 'point', as if I deserve to be punished for not
> knowing enough answer a question before I even ask it. The tutor
> himself alluded to this in his email:
> "They're very much like Arch in this way - a whole lot of ego tied up
> in "their" software, and the tone of your thread is pretty typical of
> them. mailing lists tend to be particularly bad, a lot of
> self-appointed 'senior' users who gatekeep pretty hard. 


Could you have the course tutor post his fix for your situation as a
reply to the archive of the thread you started.  It shouldn't take him
a whole lot of time, since the fix was so easy, and it will help anyone
with a similar problem who finds your thread with a search in the

Imagine if someone had done this prior to your problem, and you had
searched and found it.  Would you be thankful?
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