On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Marko Vojinovic <vvma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Start with using the GUI apps, to get comfortable. Open Firefox and browse the
> web. Use mplayer/VLC/xine to watch videos, DVD's and stuff. Use
> Amarok/XMMS/KSCD to play mp3/audio CDs. Use K3B and burn a CD or a DVD. Use
> OpenOffice Writer to write something down and save it as pdf document. Then 
> use
> Okular to open that pdf and read it. Use Dolphin/Nautilus/Krusader to copy
> files around and get familiar with file system structure. Use Gimp to draw a
> picture. Then place that picture on your desktop background. Open kcalc and
> calculate 3*2, then take the square root. Open a text editor, and type "The
> quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog".
> You can do all this in half an hour.
> (N.B. I am naming mostly KDE apps because that's what I use and am familiar
> with --- Gnome folks will give you names of equivalent Gnome apps, although
> you can use either in both KDE and Gnome).
> Once you get the basic feel for this elementary use, you get to the first big
> checkpoint --- try not to use Windows! Make Fedora the default boot choice,
> and try to use it for everyday work. Sometimes you will get stuck, but try to
> put a bit effort and you'll feel more comfortable after each problem-solved
> experience.
> Then go to a bit more advanced level. The two most common things you want to
> familiarize yourself with (things different from Windows) are CD/DVD/USB-flash
> *mounting*, and the concept of filesystem *permissions*. Use google to find 
> some
> nice introductory text about these topics. Sooner or later you'll run up into
> these things, and you want to know what they are all about.
> Then you want to learn some basic command line tools. At first you don't need
> anything other than yum. Learn how to become superuser in the terminal
> ("su -"). Learn how to use yum to look for a package and install it
> ("yum list packagename", "yum search packagename", "yum install packagename").
> At this checkpoint you are able to successfully use Fedora for everyday
> purposes and to be able to install new software as needed. From this point on,
> it's all up to you, how much interest you have and how much effort are you
> willing to invest, and in which direction.
> There's lot of literature out there, but the idea is to start using Fedora
> *instead* of Windows for *all* everyday purposes. Once you get comfortable
> with that, start reading articles on the web, books, HOWTO's, and so on. This
> is the point where you want to start learning to use the terminal and the
> command line. Then you will discover a whole new aspect of computing ---
> remote logging, system configuration, scripting, etc.
> But go one step at a time, start small and build your knowledge with hands-on
> experience.
> HTH, :-)
> Marko

Thanks Marko, your suggestions are really worth reading. I would
slowly and slowly try to do this all. Meanwhile, I got (from my
friend) a book of fedora 10 also, its something named as "fedora bible
" but is for fedora 10, though i don't think that it cannot be read to
grasp the concepts or know at least the initialization of fedora.

Parshwa Murdia
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