On 15 Oct 2022 at 16:39, Roger Heflin wrote:

From:   Roger Heflin <rogerhef...@gmail.com>
Date sent:      Sat, 15 Oct 2022 16:39:23 -0500
Subject:        Re: Getting Wifi 5 Ghz AC1200Mbs Wireless USB adapter to work on
        Fedora 35?
To:     "Michael D. Setzer II" <mi...@guam.net>, 
        Community support for Fedora users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Copies to:      "George N. White III" <gnw...@gmail.com>

> Yes, recompile and reinstall, but every few kernel versions you will likely 
> need to find updated code. It makes any out of tree driver a no go unless 
> the code is being updated. Each time it broke finding new code required 
> checking to see it was fixed and if not hopefully finding one that is fixed. 
> It 
> was a major hassle. An in kernel supported pci card would be much easier 
> and or a real network connection support wise.

Just had a kernel upgrade for Linux machines, so updated 
the 4 machines with the USB devices.
1. No wifi after boot since kernel didn't have the driver.
2. changed to directory with build (checked and show it 
was updated 12 days ago, so seems to be active update)
3. Ran 
    make -j 8; make install; modprobe 88x2bu
4. All build and install fine, and wifi went active again.

Some of the other links I found had failed to build with 
terminal errors. On actually had a link to ipx.h file, which 
a search found it in older kernel src directory, but was no 
longer in the current one. 

So, seems to require what I expected. 
Recall long ago, had a Linux server at College running 
Redhat 9 I believe. It had 9 ethernet ports. One connected 
to the Colleges 100M backbone that was running 3 Class 
C networks. The other 8 ports connected to 8 different 
classrooms giving each a 100M link to server. Had squid 
running and was getting 40% cache hit ratio. Rest of 
campus had like 900 machines all running directly off 
backbone?? Interesting in labs running windows, 
machines on the different class Cs could see each other 
with windows shares? Wasn't my job, and MIS would or 
didn't care. Every other machine had public IPs. Had 2 
Novell Servers with Public IPs, and Linux Box, and a 
Unixware box. But everything else was private behind 
firewalls. Long ago. Retired now..

So, upgrade only took few minutes to build and install.

> On Sat, Oct 15, 2022, 11:49 AM Michael D. Setzer II via users 
> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 15 Oct 2022 at 9:01, George N. White III wrote:
> From:"George N. White III" <gnw...@gmail.com>
> Date sent:Sat, 15 Oct 2022 09:01:55 -0300
> Subject:Re: Getting Wifi 5 Ghz AC1200Mbs Wireless USB 
> adapter to work on
> Fedora 35?
> To:Community support for Fedora users 
> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Send reply to:Community support for Fedora users 
> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 9:09 AM Roger Heflin 
> <rogerhef...@gmail.com > 
> > wrote:
> > I got one of those working for a while, but it is a disaster 
> to 
> > keep working.
> > 
> > Every few kernel versions it stops working and you have 
> to 
> > find fixed
> > code and download and compile it to get it working 
> > again. Then a few
> > kernels later it happens again. When it worked it worked 
> > better that
> > the original card in the laptop, but it was time consuming 
> to 
> > fixed it
> > every few kernel updates.
> > 
> First, Thanks for the reply and info.
> I'm using these in 4 desktop machines that don't have wifi at 
> all.
> Found a number of drivers that failed to compile at all, but 
> found RTL88x2BU-Linux-Driver-master.zip at 
> https://github.com/RinCat/RTL88x2BU-Linux-Driver/branches 
> and it compiles with no real issues (some warnings pop up, 
> but no errors). 
> Do the make and then make install then devices are seen.
> Did find have to make the device available for all users, or it 
> wouldn't activate automatically or have other than root be 
> able to connect it. Seems to work fine so far.
> Haven't had a kernel upgrade since installing, but would be 
> under the impression that a kernel upgrade would require a 
> rebuild and reinstall in the new kernel directory?? 
> Just got a new router that had 5G, but has a different public 
> IP than my 2.4G one. 
> Thanks again.
> > Your best bet is to simply replace the wifi card on the 
> laptop 
> > with
> > one of the newer ones (that is what I did). Depending on 
> > your laptop
> > that should be possible. I replaced mine with an intel 
> ax200 
> > card and
> > it has just worked since I replaced it. You may have to 
> read 
> > the
> > reviews on the cards to determine if others have used the 
> > card in a
> > laptop like yours. There are gray market cards on amazon 
> > for around
> > $22. My laptop is a 2016 model. You will have to do some 
> > research
> > to figure out if a ax200 or newer will plug into your laptop.
> > 
> > 5GHz requires more attention to things like radio 
> frequency interference 
> > RFI), 
> > e.g., better shielding and changes to routing of cables . If 
> the laptop was 
> > never 
> > sold with 5ghz internal wifi, there could be issues such as 
> radio frequency 
> > interference affecting other subsystems. You might be 
> able to look for 
> > changes 
> > in teardown images to the antenna system if a newer 
> version of the same 
> > model 
> > is offered with internal 5GHz wifi.
> > 
> > 
> +------------------------------------------------------------+
> Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired) 
> mailto:mi...@guam.net 
> mailto:msetze...@gmail.com
> Guam - Where America's Day Begins 
> G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/g4l/
> +------------------------------------------------------------+
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 Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor 
 Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
 G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer 

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