
    It is time to express some positive attitude to very professionally developed Anaconda installer.

Why do I have such need to publicly express my feelings?

The reason is, that I have never found so professionally created Linux  system installer.

What do I like best on The Anaconda installer?

User do not have to be afraid, that GRUB boot loader will be accidentally put to his internal harddisk if user want to install Fedora to some available USB bootable arbitrary media such as flash disks or SD carts.

Next reason is, that Anaconda is The only one Linux operating system installer which really care about professionaly configured FLinux installation if user choose USB bootable media.

As A result, file system is correctly closed if user shut down system booted from USB bootable media.

No file system corruption. No. Realy, file system is correctly closed and I can safely turn on and off again and again even if I install in such non standard botable device such as SSD cart.

I Am aware, that those achievements could be never reached without elite Fedora kernel engineers.

Many users do not know, that without reliable and professionally debugged kernel, kernel device drivers, their operating systems would be The only source of pain and chaos.

So I would also to like express my deepest possible appreciation to all Fedora kernel developers, who are spending many many hours of their spare time to bring The secure and reliable kernel to us.

As a result, Fedora is not only stable and high performance Linux distro. It is also reflecting new security issues, because kernel teams are doing their best to also protect us against hackers.

So I would like to thank The Anaconda developers and also kernel developers, because without The cooperation of those teams and very professionally working developers, Fedora would not be so good Linux distribution.

Fedora is also very popular Linux distribution in Czech Republic.

Students and absolvents of informatic ciences in our country have created special Fedora flavour called Fegora.

It contain Mate desktop and Chromium accessibility support is prepared. So visually imp
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