On Fri, 2022-09-02 at 06:54 -0300, George N. White III wrote:
> > The first hit is from 20 years ago and basically says "don't worry
> > about it" while referring to a man page I don't understand.
> > 
> Search engines curate results depending on your search history
> (my wife and I get completely different results for many searches).
> Adding terms to your search and setting a time range may help.

The search was fairly explicit but sure.
> > The second hit points to a RedHat page that wants me to create an
> > account to access their knowledge base for RHEL.
> > 
> You can create a free account.  The RHEL knowledge base is nearly
> as useful as arch linux documentation, so well worth the effort to
> create
> a free account (you will probably want to disable most of the
> emails).

Did that (despite qualms about having to register my home address and
phone number - why do they need this?) and still no dice. I get a page

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